my goal for this year...

18 Mar 2010
Posted by Marisa
Marisa's picture

The first lesson in our book this year is about making goals.  So, of course, since I always like to stay on topic in class, I had my eighth graders write down their goals for the year.  Here are the best ones:

"I want to grow at least 7cm this year.  This will make me better at English."

"The first goal is to grow up.  The second goal is to score up."

Despite the fact that I never would have thought of it as a goal, about half my student's goals were to grow.  A lot of milk will be consumed this year in the middle school.

"I hope to new world children.  I hope to grow at least 3cm this year.  I hope to rule the world.  I hope to become a demon."

And how will they do this?

"I will get up early.  I drink milk.  I need to be stronger than before."

"My goal is musician.  Because of I like listen to music.  I am goal very fantastic.
Um...always all day long study music!! many listen and many study!!"

"My first goal will make a battle ship.  My second goal is to make a B-25.  My third goal is to make a B-17G."

And how will they do this?


"My first goal is to president.
My second goal is to get up early.
My third goal is to get great grades in test."

It's good to have your priorities straight.


So, Marisa, inspired by your students, what are your goals for this year?