Fire Drill, Korean Style

04 Nov 2008
Posted by Marisa
Marisa's picture

I was busily working away at my desk this afternoon when suddenly I realized the large teacher's room was empty and there was quite a bit of commotion going on outside.  So I snuck out and determined it must be a fire drill, Korean style.  The drill included, but was not limited to: a fire truck, a podium, red smoke, a boy in a stretcher, a boy in a splint, a fire hose being sprayed in a dramatic fashion, many yelling children (although actually when I think about it, it wasn't many, it was only a class worth, I don't know what this means for the rest of the students who were left in the "burning" building).  The drill finished with a speech by the prinicpal and a very long speech from who I can only assume to be the head of the fire department.  His was a very long speech.  I was saved by the word search I had made for one of my classes.  Luckily, it turned out to be very hard.

Why must I have a subject?

Heh, that's a good story and a new one to me. I've never had a Korean fire drill, so if one of my schools burns down I guess that I'll be trapped in the building with no idea how to escape and no hope of rescue.

I'm sorry to say that the very long Korean speech was the first of many. (Yesterday I spent all day at a special English award presentation event which featured many, many Korean-language speeches.) I just glaze my eyes over and play music in my head; I think that all the Koreans are doing the same thing, so I fit right in.

What Excitement!

What Excitement! I'm hoping we will have a fire drill at one of my schools now (though I can only hope that it might be as intense as your school's :).