
A Day in Ninh Binh

26 Jan 2011
Posted by Marisa
Marisa's picture

 In an effort to make my scrapbooking better, I've created a few daily writing prompts to answer daily. I figured there was no harm in posting them here as well for anyone who's interested. 


Outside my window sits a new tree for Tet. We watched the hotel owners bring it in and place it into a new pot. They still have their Christmas tree up here in the common room/restaurant. My kind of place. However, my fingers are so cold I'm having trouble typing.


We visited two old temples at Hua Lu.


Today I saw water buffaloes, goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, sheep, cows, dogs, Jordan ate one of the goats. Some really spectacular country scenery with giant rocks coming out of the rice fields.

Today I felt the cold air rushing past my face as we rode the motorbikes. I'd never been on one before, and it was very invigorating, even if it was cold.

Today I smelled clean, fresh air. Even Mom would have approved.

Today I tasted some bread and jam for breakfast, beef pho for lunch, and fried rice for dinner. I also had a couple bites of Jordan's goat at lunch. It was good, but chewy.

Today I heard sheep making a really loud baaa-ing. I was on top of a mountain and they were at the bottom, but you would have thought they were enjoying the view with all the noise they made. 

A favorite memory from today: Definitely riding the motorbikes through the countryside. It was sad at the end of the day to get off. Although, now Jordan has new plans to get us our own motorbikes. We'll see about that.

The plan for tomorrow:  Long train ride to Hue. Hopefully the train is in better repair than the one we were on yesterday. I guess we'll just have to hope and make do.

Jordan enjoys our boat ride through the scenic Tam Coc area.